Creating a rhythm for your course.

People are comforted by rhythm. It feels good. 

It makes me think of my two young boys and how they thrive on routine. They take a hot bath every morning when they wake up + we read a chapter of the same book each night before they go to sleep. Friday afternoons we have a playdate after school. Saturday mornings we go to soccer. We all seem to thrive when we repeat this pattern each week. It makes us feel safe. It's grounding.

I think your students feel the same! Even if they don't realize it.

Creating a pattern each week that repeats will be a layer of comfort your participants will love. Here are some examples from past courses of mine:

Superhero Photo

  • Monday: Lesson about the theme of the week (ie. Portraits, Treasures, Composition, etc.)
  • Technical Tuesday: Technical photography lesson related to the week's theme.
  • Wednesday: Treasure Hunt: PDF download of photo prompts
  • Thursday: Interview with an inspiring photographer

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I should also add that module #2 each day was always the same - a "Capture it" photo prompt. Here is a screenshot example below.


Cultivating Courage 

Different pattern entirely. This class was designed as an experiment. What if we practice courage (in tiny ways) every day for 30 days? Who would we be on the other side? What will have transformed in our lives? 

Every day for 30 days, I posted a story about a different kind of courage. (This was module #1 for each day) The courage to say no. The courage to go beyond our physical limits. The courage to ask for help. The courage to tell the truth. 

In addition to a courage story each day I added a module #2 that never changed. It was called "Take action" and when you clicked on it, it had the same question repeated daily- "What was your brave move today? Tell us about it." This was the place where we could record our tiny brave moves each day in community.

I also had 4 dares that I sprinkled throughout the course - something that was a bigger brave move. 

Morning Mantras

This course was pretty straightforward. A 5-7 minute audio each day sharing a mantra and the story of why it's been powerful for me.

I also added a series of interviews with other authors, artists and coaches. I asked them what their favorite mantras are and we had a short conversation about them.

Varying the media

One way to create a pattern for your course is by varying the kind of media you are giving your students. This is helpful in honoring different kinds of learners and also shakes things up so people don't get bored. Here is a list of different kinds of media:

Audio lessons
Video lessons
Downloadable worksheets
Downloadable PDF's
Written lessons
Guest interviews/experts
Live group calls
1 on 1 sessions

Also, I am a fan of playful names for assignments:
Secret missions
Treasure Hunts

An example of creating a rhythm by varying the media would be something like this: 

Monday: Audio or video lesson
Tuesday: Worksheet
Wednesday: Interview with an expert
Thursday: Journal prompt
Friday: Live call



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