Your core values.

Who do you admire?

Today's exercise is an extension of yesterday's about signature style. Our core values (what's important to us) will naturally shine through our work, but by naming them we give them a special kind of power. By shining a light on them, we are more able to express them in our lives and in our work.

One of the people I admire is Danielle LaPorte. Here are some of qualities I admire in her: Sexy, bold, creative, goes for it, financial abundance, intimate, personal stories, spiritual, brilliant, talented, stylish, beautiful, beauty-filled, unconventional, super successful, fun, playful, lots of creative ideas, books under their belt, confident, powerful voice.

Another example of someone I admire is Alexandra Franzen: She is brilliant, heart-centered, generous, funny, brief, powerful, story-based, successful, sexy, owns her genius, big love, big heart, can be earnest and cool at the same time, totally herself, quirky, unconventional, kind, prolific, wise, inspiring.

Your Turn.

Now it’s time for you to do the same. Choose someone you admire + list all the things you admire most about them. Then, if you're on a roll, repeat the exercise for one more person.

Get to it. Set a timer for 5 minutes. I’ll wait.

Now, try this on for size. What if you just described you?

Read your list back with that in mind. You just described you. The self-actualized you.

What if all those qualities are parts of you? Some get expressed more than others. Some are disowned parts of you. Some of them you long to be but don’t know how. But here’s the truth: If you named them, they all live in you. Let me repeat - they are all alive in you. Even if it’s just a little ember waiting for some breath.

Keep them in mind as you create your course. Stay true to the authentic you, your true voice, what makes you different. This will set you/your brand/your course apart from others.

Complete and Continue